Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Ah yes, the season is almost here. Soon there will be plenty of clips of Crosby getting hit, stunning goals, and stories to write about from around the league.

I do have to say that I'm blown away by how little the world of sports cares about the NY Rangers winning the first ever Victoria Cup. They beat some Russian team named after some sort of Magnetic Mountain. That's just a weird team name. But the big thing is that the NHL just beat the KHL in their first ever head to head matchup. This is HUGE! I mean, think of how much money that league has been throwing around, snatching up the likes of Jaromir Jagr and Ray Emery (Magnetic Mountains of cocaine?). All off season everyone's been talking about the threat that the KHL has become. This win sends a clear message that the NHL is still the best league in the world, in terms of skill. The fact that the game winning goal was scored with 20 seconds left also rubs some salt in the wound. I mean, the KHL was 20 seconds from getting at least a tie with the big bad NHL boys, but at the last second Ryan "sorry to make you guys lose" Callahan put one away. Oh good stuff.

Well, I can't wait until the season starts. Crosby will whine, do amazing things, and generally overshadow Malkin. Hossa will go crazy for the Wings, then get injured for like 20 games. The Wild will kick everyone's asses physically, but struggle to score goals.

I think that the team with the most upside this year are the Blackhawks. If their young guys keep growing like they've been, they might just be the next big thing in the west. Trouble is, when your offense comes from like 3 guys, you're pretty easy to shut down. In the east, I think the Bruins actually have a chance to go pretty far. Their goaltending should be way more solid than last year, though I do love watching Tim Thomas flail around like a fish out of water. They also have a legion of young kids that could explode at any second. Now if they could keep healthy...

But I'll write more about everything. Soon.